Aviation Planning & Development

Aviation Planning and Development (AvP&D) forecasts, plans, prioritizes, funds, develops, and implements the Aviation capital program to achieve scope, budget, and schedule goals.  Responsibilities including managing grant program applications and funding, system and long-range planning, project planning, project management and coordination with engineering staff, stakeholder engagement, community relationships to support on- and off-Airport development, industry and agency relationships and representation (FAA, TSA, CBP, Climate Adaptation Groups, Alameda County Airport Land Use Commission, and several ad hoc regional committees). The AvP&D Department serves the other aviation departments to meet compliance requirements, maximize revenue generation and improve customer amenities and level of service.

Airport Capital Improvement Plan

The Capital Improvement Plan (CIP) is developed to address infrastructure needs and to meet Port-wide goals and is approved by the Board of Port Commissioners (Board). The Aviation CIP is made up of capital projects that support airfields, terminals, ground access and parking, security, utilities, and facility maintenance. These projects are prioritized and are essential for the airport operations.

Through careful planning and collaboration with stakeholders, projects are delivered that not only meet regulatory requirements but also enhance the overall travel experience for our passengers. The CIP reflects our commitment to excellence and dedication to maintaining our airport as a vital hub for the region.

OAK Aviation Stakeholder Advisory Committee

The OAK Aviation Stakeholder Advisory Committee (ASAC) was created to assist with the development of the approved Master Plan and continues to meet quarterly. The Stakeholder Advisory Committee consists of representatives from the cities of Alameda, San Leandro, and Oakland, San Leandro Unified School District, Alameda County, and Airport users, including fixed-base operators, passenger and cargo airlines, and flight training/light general aviation aircraft operators.

Reference Documents

Our Aviation Planning and Development efforts are guided by a set of comprehensive reference documents that outline our vision for modernization and improvement. These documents serve as the foundation for our strategic decisions and ensure that our development projects align with our long-term goals.